Submitted by Praveena Surapaneni
Does the thought of standing in front of dozens of folks and presenting a report make you want to stay in bed in a fetal state for a week? Well you could qualify as a glossophobic, or someone who has a fear of public speaking.
This months’ BCBSTX Very Own, Praveena Surapaneni, classified herself as just that...then did something about it! Knowing she had to overcome this fear in order to grow as a leader, she joined the HCSC Richardson Toastmasters Club, BCBSTX Toasties. Toastmasters is an international organization that strives to empower its members in the area of communication and leadership skills, by providing a supportive and positive learning experience resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Praveena’s personal journey with the group began as a guest. “All of the members were very welcoming and friendly. I loved their enthusiasm and encouragement”, she fondly remembers. After a couple of visits, she joined the group. “My first speech was what is known as the Ice Breaker, where I introduced myself and shared personal details of my choosing.”
The group provided tools such as the Competent Communicator speech manual, and the assignment to a Toastmasters Mentor. “My mentor assisted me with speech content, made sure to attend my presentations, and offered encouragement,” says Praveena. She took off from there, giving numerous talks to the group, with a growing confidence. “I usually chose topics based on my personal experiences or something that I recently learned,” she added. That confidence has soared, and Praveena is now the Area 42 Director after only 2-1/2 years of joining the group!
As Area Director, Praveena oversees the activities of the BCBSTX Toasties plus 4 other area clubs. She explained that “as an Area Director, I help each club in achieving the goals set under Toastmasters performance measurement program called the Distinguished Club Program (DCP), keeping clubs updated on District-level news, organizing speech contests, and visiting each club as much as possible.” As for the experience of the position, Praveena says, “Each club is different in how they conduct their meetings and Toastmasters business. I love bringing other club's perspectives to my home club BCBSTX Toasties. I value the diversity and try to contribute as much as I can to help each club achieve their DCP goals.”
Even with all that she has accomplished so far, Praveena continues to strive in her personal growth via Toastmasters. “Distinguished ToastMaster (DTM) is the highest education level you can achieve in the organization. It involves completion of additional Toastmasters projects that continue to develop my public speaking and leadership skills. My goal is to complete that by the end of July 2016.”
Please talk to her, if you are planning to start your own journey with Toastmasters. And we look forward to your future success in this area, Praveena, as a BCBSTX’s Very Own!